Tips, Taxation & Operational Efficiency

Mind your business: best practices to ensure gratuity payouts are compliant

Learn the advantages of solutions that will ensure you are compliant with CRA regulations. In this webinar, we disclose the importance of direct vs. controlled tips, legal precedents and actionable solutions that your business can implement to ensure tip compliance, today.

Additionally, you will be provided with a concise overview guide that outlines the best practices for achieving effective tip compliance, serving as a perfect complement to the insights offered in the webinar.

XTM is committed to helping restaurants across Canada protect their businesses against liability related to tip allocations and disbursements.

Woman smiling sitting in front of a laptopPush Operations logo next to image of woman over a pink dot

3 part digital solution for cashless pay

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The app

Staff's direct deposits travel instantly into their mobile wallet via the app. They can keep track of their cash, send money, and access exclusive cash-back offers.

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The card

Staff can spend their money just like cash, only digital! Groceries, morning coffee, dining with friends... Basically, they won't leave home without it.

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The portal

The portal is an online platform for payout distribution and reporting. Payout your entire team in less than 5mins. No cash required!